Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Here Comes Fall

It's been nearly a month since G and O started school. What I've been doing with my time sewing isn't entirely clear, but I do know that last week the baby thought it was outrageously funny when we meowed at him. So we did that a lot, until dude, it wasn't funny anymore. And then we did it some more. Yesterday my trying to eat while balancing him on my hip, taking bites of sandwich basically BAM! in his face was hysterical. Having a bad day? Come hug Callum! Meow at him? Eat a sandwich in his face? You choose.

Here are some of my recent (before school started) favorites:

Black background, bright vintage flowers, reminiscent of the paint job on a Galo de Barcelos belonging to my grandmother I have adored for as long as I can remember. Talk about I-can't-live-without-you! fabric love. I have enough to make some for Etsy, just haven't gotten around to it yet. Awesome for camouflaging a dirty day at preschool. Available now on a made to order basis.

Bikes, trikes, scooters, and wagons! Olive likes to wear purple every day. She also likes wheels. I love the colors of fall and changing leaves. (And wheels.) Win-win! Ready to ship in size 6-12 months or made to order. And because everyone on the street keeps asking, her shoes are from Zappos.

I have a bunch of really fantastic new hats to be listed as soon as the weather decides to get in sync with my free time. By popular request one is pink, a sweet, soft, elegant, and refined petal pink with cream suitable for meeting the Queen. Another is bold for Christmas and begs to be taken to the zoo.

Things are finally settling, so I do see sewing time in my future. But first, Olive and I are going to get our craft on by painting some rocks. I guess rocks need vibrant color, too.

xo Heidi

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